Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayer Request

Hey folks-
If you're checking this blog, chances are good you pray for us on a regular basis. I'm going to try to be better at regular prayer request updates.

-Two weeks ago, I (Jon) challenged students at youth group to stop living on the fence, to choose who they were going to live for. Three students stayed after to talk, and two more contacted me the following week to talk. One of the students committed his life to Christ!
-The kids are adjusting to school, making friends, and generally healthy/happy.

Prayer Needs
-The Suburban isn't running very well since the "Squirrel Incident."
-We're working our way through the kids, getting dental work done.
-JS, the young man who decided to follow Christ... for his spiritual foundation and growth as he goes through the "Spiritual Survival Kit" with Jon.
-For Janelle, as she develops relationships both with students and adults.
-Jon is planning on running a half-marathon in December, but training isn't going well. Please pray for his ankles and heels.

Thank you all for standing in the gap on our behalf!


Stephanie said...

You guys are in our prayers. Hope all is well. Everyone at the OC still misses you.

Heather said...

Praying for you guys! Ummm...if I start commenting more will it entice you to write more? :-)