Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A day at DCHS

I was a substitute at DCHS today. I had already committed to sub for Mrs. Stewart before I started with the Maintenance crew, so I followed through. It was fun to be back on that campus.

Let me start by saying this: some things never change. Kids are still kids. DCHS is still "producing" some of the great future Christian leaders of their generation. It was fun to be around a great group of kids.

If you are a DCHS alum and reading this, check it out- no more dress code! They went to uniform polos, and can wear jeans and flip flops. I guess that is still technically a dress code, but it's not like the old days. I actually took off my tie halfway through the day.

Back to jeans & a t-shirt tomorrow- we paint the new gym!

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